0316-7214068 13903166232 13931620888 銷(xiāo)售:13930668888

A57 不銹鋼活床頭手動(dòng)雙搖床

  • 型號:A57
  • 規格:2060×900×500
  • A57 不銹鋼活床頭手動(dòng)雙搖床·床頭采用優(yōu)質(zhì)不銹鋼管焊接而成。 ·床面采用冷軋鋼板焊接噴塑而成,表面光滑..

A57 不銹鋼活床頭手動(dòng)雙搖床_詳細介紹

A57 不銹鋼活床頭手動(dòng)雙搖床




A57 stainless steel movable head manual double shaker
· The head of the bed is welded with high quality stainless steel pipe.
· The bed surface is made of cold rolled steel plate welded and sprayed with plastic, with smooth surface.
· Swing bar with limit protection device, light and free

A57 不銹鋼活床頭手動(dòng)雙搖床_相關(guān)產(chǎn)品

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二維碼 0316-7214068 13903166232 13931620888